Welcome to Wamid Learning platform

Hand-picked Instructor and expertly crafted courses, designed for the modern students and entrepreneur.

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Transform your life through learning

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Mohamed HALLAL

3000 online courses

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Expert instruction

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Our methodology: building knowledge by sharing experiences. Chart your path to success. Benefit from our promotions and new courses added every month.

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Our trainers are our talents

Wamid makes it a point of honor to offer trainers who listen to your requests. We give you the tools and skills to teach what you love.

Who are we ?

Present for years with students in computer training: office automation, web and mobile development.
A team of pedagogical specialists listening to expert teachers for the implementation of computer courses according to a lively and effective teaching method. Our anchor points: proximity, pro-activity, advice and assistance.

Get skills on demand

Thanks to more than 1000 video courses.

Choose taught courses

Experienced trainers at your disposal.

Learn at your own pace In complete freedom

Through online courses.

Our teaching methods, flexible and adapted

Prepare for the assessment

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